Ko Huiarau File
by Ross Nepia Himona
Te Runanga Kohuiarau Maori Parliament & Cult
Breaking News
3 November 2001
The considered opinions of Geoffrey Fuimaono Karena
30 May 2001
Chris Ruka, former Chairman of the Kohuiarau "Parliament" replies to Forbes.
28 May 2001
Mary Forbes informs the 13 former "MPs" of Kohuiarau that they have had their warrants withdrawn, and that they have been removed from the Kohuiarau Electoral Roll. The reasons she gives are the stuff of high farce and fraudulent history. There are only 8 of the original "MPs" left in her "Parliament" as she winds up towards new elections.
12 April 2001
Kohuiarau keeps up the charade with notification of its 2001 elections.
"Despite the attempts by some individuals within Ko Huiarau to place Ko Huiarau into recess and contrary to reports in the press and electronic media, Ko Huiarau Parliament continues to function."
Those individuals within Kohuiarau comprised more than 50% of their sham parliament.
11 April 2001
For some time now we have been researching the existence of the shadowy United Tribal Alliance that Mary Forbes has been quoting as the source of future funding for Kohuiarau. Our sources among the Native Americans have advised that they had not heard of it, and that it would almost certainly be a scam.
UTA now has a website at
If you look at you will see that they repeat the Kohuiarau fabricated history. A close look at their other claims strongly indicates a fraudulent organisation.In this document the demented James Ngatoa, self-styled Taiopuru of Kohuiarau, claims direct genealogical lines back to the Greek, Alexander the Great.
In this one he claims Kohuiarau linkage with the great Genghis Khan and the Emperors of China. for more of the same - England, France, Morocco, Tahiti, Tonga, Afghanistan for the fabricated GAT trade agreement. these fabulous documents go on and on.
February 2001
Te Karere Ipurangi report on recess, & Kohuiarau funding 22 February 2001
Letter putting Kohuiarau parliament into indefinite recess 22 February 2001
January 2001
Te Putatara report on resignation 27 January 2001
Chairman's Letter of Resignation 24 January 2001
Contents & Links
Scam Alert - 15 February 2000The original Scam Alert by Te Putatara. Contains a long list of their preposterous claims (printed in red)
More propaganda and false history
A Ko Huiarau website by James Wheoki
The information in this site is mostly fabricated to convey a false impression of an old established movement. Its content will be closely analysed in the coming weeks.
Ko Huiarau speech at the Chathams (15 January 2000)
With a detailed analysis by Ross Himona, of their false claims
The Real Maori Parliament 1892 - 1902
Excerpt from Te Putatara, 15 March 2000
Te Putatara Issue No 2/2000 - 15 February 2000
Te Putatara Issue No 3/2000 - 15 March 2000
Te Putatara Issue No 4/2000 - 15 April 2000containing more stories and revelations about Ko Huiarau
Extracts from the book "Maori Tattoo"
in this book Ko Te Riria V (James Ngatoa) colludes with David Simmons to present false information, including a false claim by James Ngatoa about his supposed ancestor 'Waikato' who signed the Treaty of Waitangi
The real Waikato who signed the Treaty of Waitangi
Hoani Waikato from my own hapu, who with Te Hapuku and Harawira Mahikai, signed the Treaty on 24 June 1840
at the Maori Politics bulletin board
Ko Huiarau propaganda from the Piriwiritua site (Dalvanius Prime)
duplicate information from the Mokomokai site (Dalvanius Prime)Two sites where Dalvanius features much the same false information
News item from October 1998
"Entertainer Dalvanius Prime said coverage by TV1 news could jeopardise negotiations for the return of preserved heads from the Museum of Natural History in New York. The channel reported Prime intended to publicly display the mokomokai on their return, prompting a number of kaumatua to withdraw their support for the project and other people to cancel speaking engagements. Prime said in fact he said the exhibition would be of computer-enhanced images of heads. The coverage was racist and would not have happened if the channel had any cultural sensitivity. The row led to Dalvanius being given, unsolicited, the title of a chief, spokesman and negotiator for Ko Huiarau. Ethnologist David Simmons , one of the key figures behind the group arguing for a new Maori king, said it was a huge honour and the title was "sort of a life peerage". "Ko Huiarau Media Release 6 March 2000
Ko Huiarau letter to the Dominion 8 March 2000
Interview by Tu Mai Magazine with Mary Christina ForbesA convicted US fraudster, David Korem, of the Dominion of Melchizedek, has confirmed that he has had talks with Ko Huiarau and is seeking to establish links with them. In a letter to Mary Forbes he offered the services of his Australian based "ambassador-at-large", Charles Balas.
The Dominion Of Melchizedek
Cyberfraud - The Fictitious 'Dominion Of Melchizedek'.
Dominion of Melchizedek Scam
Fantasy Island
Rotuma bans two from Dominion of Melchizedek