The Newsletter of The Maori Alliance
P.O.Box 408, Wellington, New Zealand


Issue No.07/88 - 6 July 1988




"Ki te whai te mana Maori motuhake i runga i te kotahitanga me te tino rangatiratanga i roto i Te Tiriti o Waitangi."

Ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi, tena koe.
Ki te kaupapa o Te Kotahitanga Maori, tena koe.
E nga iwi o te motu, e nga hau e wha
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.


The deadline for submissions on "He Tirohanga Rangapu" draws near. Readers are reminded that 13 July is the date, and those who have not made their own submissions are invited to write to the Minister of Maori Affairs, Parliament House, Wellington, in support of The Maori Alliance submission.

This is an important time for Maoridom, as both politicians and bureaucrats must be made to realise that almost all of Maoridom is involved in the issues that confront us. We still read in the media, and hear in Parliament, that only Maori "radicals" are doing the talking, and that Maori people in general do not support those labeled radical.

No longer will this ploy work. It is a ploy which allows politicians and others to ignore the true voice of Maoridom, and to presume that there is a silent majority whose thinking is like other "New Zealanders".

The way to get through to the political process that Maoridom is no longer willing to accept these assertions, is for all of you out there to start making yourselves heard. Quietly if that is your way, but Maoridom needs your voices.

A very effective way is to write letters to the Editors of your local newspapers. Another is to write or call your MP (Maori and Pakeha) to let them know what you want for Maoridom, or even to write to the relevant Cabinet Minister.

In the past Maori people have generally only used this process to complain about other Maori people. That is a total waste of time! And don't claim to represent the whole of Maoridom! You would be surprised how many do that.

The Maori Alliance stands for kotahitanga. Many voices as one. Speak up.

Kia ora tatou katoa

Ross Himona






The wags in the Dungeon Bar have labeled Hon Mr Wetere's whirlwind tour of Maoridom, "Cyclone Koro". They reckon a couple of the Deputy Secretaries have been out on the circuit as well, carrying out disaster relief in the wake of the big wind. Some of the humour surrounding "He Tirohanga Rangapu" is like a breath of fresh air; some of it is like warm air from Rotorua, with just a touch of aroma.

Lately Mr Wetere has been quoted as saying that the government will now reconsider, because his tour has shown that most of us want the Department to be restructured, not demolished.

After about fifty hui that must be obvious. What must also be obvious is that the people, including the Maori Affairs staff, will not countenance a restructured department with Tamati Reedy in charge.

The farce must be stopped. Too many people have been pussy footing around pretending the problem does not exist. It is about time we all told him to get out. We have taken too much flak over the last eighteen months because of the sorry state of our department, in his hands.

We will never get our best Maori staff into that Department while Dr Reedy is at the top. The Policy & Planning Division is the perfect example. Almost every Maori person that Rauru Kirikiri tried to hire, when he joined the department as Deputy Secretary, was vetoed by Reedy, for one reason or another, but mainly personal.

It is well known in Wellington and in the public service that Reedy's "hit list" is far bigger than the available pool of Maori employees.

There is another message that senior staff should hoist aboard, particularly District Directors. The people have not come to your defence to allow you to continue in your traditional role of Godfather to a subservient clientele. If your jobs are saved you will find a completely new relationship awaiting you.

The attempts in Auckland and in Wellington to set up iwi organisations under the leadership of Department staff will be stomped on. Autonomy and self determination are the keywords. If you want to lead the people, you get yourselves elected by the people. You should all know that the people did not fight to retain your department simply to allow you to carry on in your old paternalistic ways, or to allow you to perpetuate the colonial attitudes built into your department from its inception.






Hot off the kumara vine and not yet verified. Apparently the Minister of Maori Affairs is to announce within the next month or so that the Board of Maori Affairs, the MANA Enterprises Committee, and the Maori ACCESS Committee are to be disbanded.

Sounds a bit quick off the mark to me because the Board of Maori Affairs is required by legislation to carry out a number of necessary functions. The usual trick to keep them out of the way is to ignore them, as the Minister does not have to call regular meetings.

It would be a drastic way of getting rid of a minor political embarrassment on a sub-committee. However few people have defended the Board recently.

Can you imagine Himself running the show without any checks at all? Then we would see some really creative management. We have already seen quite a few attempts to divert MACCESS funding to other pet projects over the last year.






Now that the Cyclone has blown itself out, at least until the next round in September or thereabouts, all the written and oral submissions now have to be "analysed".

The translators at the Department of Maori Affairs are looking harassed, apparently because they have to transcribe and translate all the oral submissions in a hurry. Now that's going to take a fair bit of time.

I reckon the perpetrators of this exercise didn't plan on having to take much notice of Maoridom. Now they're having to do things properly.

Apparently this task of analysis is to be contracted out to consultants. I did get a whisper from the Vine that Pakeha consultants were being hired, but that they would have to have Maori advisors to ensure that a "Maori Perspective" were applied to the analysis.

The submissions in response to a Discussion Document on Reform of Local and Regional Government were analysed and reported by consultants called The Bridgeport Group. They took about one and a half months to do that exercise. I have no information on who will do the Maori policy analysis.






The Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board submission was short and very much to the point. They see all the matters raised in "He Tirohanga Rangapu" as being side issues, and the main issue as the constitutional one of the Treaty and its place in Aotearoa.






The Ngai Tahu Maori Trust Board on the other hand see an opportunity and that they should move hard and fast to make devolution happen.

As to the Ministry of Maori Policy they see a body with at least the clout of the SSC, and they're "quite keen" on the Royal Commission on Social Policy's recommendation of a Waitangi Commission attached to the Ministry, or even over it.





Like Ngai Tahu, Tainui see that they are ready, having had their Tribal Plan for some years now. Tainui have indeed been fortunate in the resources available and the preparation they have been able to do.

The Tainui submission is impressive.






The New Zealand Maori Council takes the view that the Department of Maori Affairs should be strengthened rather than phased out, and the policy as unacceptable.

The Council proposes firstly that a working party of eight (four named by the Crown, four by the President NZMC and President MWWL) be established to:

1) Study "He Tirohanga Rangapu" and other materials.

2) Call a national hui of say 30 Pakeha and 30 Maori leaders to discuss alternative constitutional and administrative arrangements.

3) Sponsor a widely representative national hui of Maoridom on constitutional reform.

The New Zealand Maori Council submission includes proposals for alternative governmental structures which take account of the need for both Tikanga Maori and Tikanga Pakeha to be represented.

It recommends a Runanga Tikanga Maori (Maori Legislature), and a Tikanga Pakeha House, both presided over by a Runanganui or Senate.







The kumara vine reports Tom Parore (Maori Trustee) is off to the State Services Commission, as the Maori Commissioner no less, to replace Margaret Bazley who is off to Transport.

Christine Matangi (Director Personnel) and Di Williams are also off to the SSC, leaving Bruce Barrett in charge of Personnel. What a disaster that will be. Even more so than it is now.

It is said that the young telephonist who was fired over the phone (by Judy Maxwell of Admin) has now found another job and is much better off for it.

Anaru Robb, he who used to edit the Department newsletter until it was taken from him, is moving to another Department, having tired of sitting in his office with nothing to do. Firing is not the only way to get rid of staff.

The usual rumours that Neville Baker is moving to Social Welfare have surfaced again. One day they will be true Neville.

Even if the Department is not demolished but only restructured the SSC has done most of it's job already. With Wilson Bailey and Rebecca Boyack going off to Tourism and Publicity there is not going to be much left in Corporate Services. Perhaps Tamati could take personal control and complete the farce.

It is said by kumara high on the vine that the Secretary is not on very good terms with his Deputies these days, even to the point of sometimes refusing to talk to them! Way to go Tamati.

Apparently Dr Reedy has successfully negotiated an employment contract as Chief Executive. A PSA source says that the PSA had a go at limiting his personal powers over staff.






Wilson Bailey's job is now being advertised, and applications must be submitted by 13 July. The same day as submissions on He Tirohanga Rangapu!

The first requirement will be for the Deputy Secretary to be a Maori. Next would be the ability to turn the Department around despite the incompetent gentleman at the top.

If the government is not going to do anything about the greatest weakness in the Department of Maori Affairs, then there will be a need for a strong Deputy Sec Corporate Services. No-one else seems to be able to keep him under control.

Sounds like a good job for Himona doesn't it? I think I will apply!






A few issues ago Te Putatara reported that the Minister had called an investigation into leaks.

A kumara in the know reports that the SIS was called in too! I wonder if their advice was the same as mine - change the man at the top.

Incidentally, media sources say that a former aide to the Prime Minister was an expert at the "strategic leak" and is now badly missed in the PMs Department. Makes you think doesn't it?






I notice with interest that Dr Reedy has been cleared by the SSC of allegations concerning a loan to his daughter. I followed the whole saga with interest.

The reporters who instigated that investigation were also hot on the trail of another loan to a member of Dr Reedy's immediate family, but could not obtain the information under the Official Information Act. My sources tell me that a file mysteriously disappeared from Head Office.







"The Government recognises that mainstream departments and agencies are not responsive enough to the needs of Maori people and communities. The main reason for this is that these organisations are predominantly monocultural in outlook and personnel. This must be changed."

"The keys to change lie in commitment and leadership. The Government has that commitment, and will give that leadership, but will require the same from its chief executives and their senior managers."

This statement from page 14 of "He Tirohanga Rangapu" (also known as He Pukapuka Kakariki) is clear and concise. It now behoves Government to to live up to its boast.

During their recent interviews of applicants for the position of Chief Executive of the Ministry of Womens Affairs, conducted by the three commissioners of the SSC with some outside panelists, the monocultural outlook, and the lack of commitment to change at the very top of the Public Service were dramatically displayed.

Barely six weeks after the publication of "He Tirohanga Rangapu" these interviews were conducted in the most culturally inappropriate way imaginable. They were confrontational and in the very best adversarial tradition of the dominant culture.

The interviews left one Maori applicant in tears, and the other and her whanau support indignant and outraged. This is the treatment meted out to our people by those at the very top of the monocultural public sector; those whom we were told by government would be required to exhibit leadership and commitment to change.

There were thirty applicants for the position, five making it to the interviews on Thursday 9 June, two Maori and three Pakeha. There endeth the commitment to biculturalism and partnership. In fact none of the five made it.

Dr Judith Aitken got the job without applying. "Te Putatara" does not question the decision and congratulates Dr Aitken on her appointment. No doubt Mr Hunn has chosen her well on the basis of their previous association at the SSC.

Along with the five who were interviewed on the Thursday "Te Putatara" questions the use of the interview process merely to validate a preconceived decision. The Maori applicants, at least, knew they were not remotely in the running as soon as they started their interviews. That sort of tokenism is a very poor example to the rest of the public sector.






The kumara vine reports that the devolution committee chaired by Bob Mahuta also had serious doubts about the commissioners.

Apparently they considered taking a lawsuit against one of the commissioners for defamation, misinformation and other not-so-nice goings-on.






In 1985 the Minister of Justice, the Rt Hon Geoffrey Palmer MP, introduced a Draft New Zealand Bill of Rights. It was intended that the Bill of Rights become Supreme Law, which could only be amended by a 75% majority of MPs voting in the House, or by a simple majority of New Zealanders voting in a Referendum.

Article 4 of the Draft Bill stated:

(1) The rights of the Maori people under the Treaty of Waitangi are hereby recognised and affirmed.

(2) The Treaty of Waitangi shall be regarded as always speaking and shall be applied to circumstances as they arise so that effect may be given to its spirit and true intent.

(3) The Treaty of Waitangi means the Treaty as set out in English and Maori in the Schedule to this Bill of Rights.

Submissions were received by the Justice and Law Reform Select Committee and in 1986 an interim report was laid on the table of the House.

There were some fears about whether the Treaty itself could be amended if it became part of a Statute which could be amended.

The answer to that is of course that the Treaty is a solemn covenant undertaken by two sovereign peoples, which can only be amended by the addition of Protocols. Amending protocols can only be agreed by the Crown which signed as one party, and the descendants of the Chiefs, who signed as the other party.

Most submissions from Maoridom, and the most commonly expressed Maori view, is that the Treaty should not be included in another Statute, that the Treaty is tapu, and should stand alone as Supreme Law.

It should therefore be removed from the Bill of Rights.

Within the next month the Justice and Law Reform Select Committee will be reporting back to the House on the Bill of Rights. Their major recommendation will be that the Bill of Rights be introduced as Ordinary Law, and that the nation be given a few years to get used to the Bill before it is elevated to Supreme Law. This was the approach taken in Canada.

This will mean that the Treaty becomes "enshrined" in Ordinary Law.

We must not allow this to happen. The Treaty can only be Supreme Law. It must also stand alone.

If a Bill of Rights, or even parts of the Imperial Laws Application Bill (which sets out what laws from England are still applicable), eventually become Supreme Law, they could possibly become Companion Statutes to the Treaty.

But the Treaty must stand alone and must govern all other law.

Readers should start now and write letters to newspaper editors, to the Minister of Justice Mr G.Palmer MP, to Bill Dillon MP who is the Chairman of the Justice and Law Reform Select Committee, and to Paul East MP who is the National Party spokesman for Justice.

Tell them quite simply that we want the Treaty as Supreme Law, and that it must stand alone.






The recently announced decision of the Government to properly and honourably recompense Ngati Whatua o Orakei, marks the end of an era, the Era of Collaboration.

It is fitting that Sir Robert Muldoon, described by The Sunday Star as the last protester, should complain about the Orakei decision, for he was more expert than any other politician at turning our people into collaborators. Maoridom is still flush with those who wittingly and unwittingly sold out, but their day of glory has passed.

This decision to implement a recommendation of the Waitangi Tribunal marks the dawn of the new era.

Jim Bolger and Winston Peters would do well to take note that the rules have changed. If and when National seize power Maoridom will no longer be compliant and able to be manipulated, as in days past. They would do well to start now, with an honourable approach to the Treaty.

The present Prime Minister and Deputy PM should also note that their inclinations in this area are being watched with interest. All Pakeha politicians are going to have to learn that they will no longer get away with selecting their tame Maori representatives, and claiming to have consulted with Maoridom.

Farewell Collaboration.






Simon Upton, National Party Member of Parliament for Raglan, scurrying south with a copy of Claudia Orange's book "The Treaty of Waitangi" clutched firmly to his breast. He should lend it to Winston.






Te Arikinui, Te Ata-i-Rangi-Kahu, is travelling to Tonga to participate in the royal birthday celebrations. Tonga made it perfectly clear that invitations were being issued to indigenous heads of state, and to Te Ata-i-Rangi-Kahu as a representative of the Maori people.

Te Putatara understands that the slight to the NZ Govt has been received as intended.

The grapevine reports that whenever the King visits Maori dignitaries his visits are followed up by besuited gentlemen from Wellington, claiming to be from Foreign Affairs and trying to find out what he has been up to.






The media has been full of the news of how Treasury officials have miscalculated the nations projected revenues, and thrown preparations for this years Budget into disarray. All this from one the most influential of policy, or control, ministries.

In 1984, in their publication "Economic Management" Treasury forecast to the nation its recommendations on restructuring the Public Sector into Policy and Service Depts, and on corporatising and/or selling off commercial operations. In that report Maoridom and the Treaty did not get one significant mention.

Their 1987 report entitled "Government Management" had a large section on the Treaty (very monocultural), but none of the recommendations of 1984 had really changed. The Treasury attitude to the Treaty was to pay it lip-service.

Treasury is staffed by academically qualified people who would not have a clue about Maoridom, the Treaty, and the guaranteed Partnership. They should stay right out of Maori affairs policy until they get their attitudes in order.







There were some surprised faces descending into the deep last Friday. Some of the Directors were in town to get their annual assessments from you-know-who. It seems that he is now trying to prove that he's a good guy by giving reasonable (but fence-sitting) assessments. Tried bullying, now its bribery.

On to more pleasant things. Last Friday the Dungeon was graced with the presence of three prosperous looking gentlemen from the Northern regions. One was an academic in a raincoat, one a public servant in a raincoat, and the other obviously enjoys the company of raincoats (or was that supposed to be intellectuals?). Kia ora Ngati Whatua.

While I'm on the subject of intellectuals, it was in the Dungeon that I finally came to understand the difference between Equality and Equity. It was explained to me by the Philosopher-in-Residence.

If you have five Maori and five Pakeha and you give each one an apple, that's Equality. Now if you give each Maori one and a half apples, and each Pakeha half an apple, that's Equity.

When the Maori eat their apples, and the Pakeha sell theirs, that's the difference between Tikanga Maori and Tikanga Pakeha.

The trick is to get the Waitangi Tribunal to get the Government to buy back half the orchard for the Maori, the one that was stolen from the Maori in the first place, so the Maori can always have a feed, and the Pakeha can always have some money. That's Partnership.

There are other would be philosophers down there too, but they're mushroom philosophers rather than apple philosophers; kept in the dark and fed on manu-re.

Which reminds me of two of the star attractions down there in the deep - Jake and the Fat Man. Both claim to be called Jake, until its Jake's turn to shout. They may appear to be a couple of hard case comics but they're loaded with good leaks, and they're not from Wales either. Arbuckle and Arbuckle if you ask me.

Another regular down there is the public servant who named this newsletter "Te Putatara". Watch them all try to take the credit!

As the kumara must have its roots in good soil, so too must The Kumara Vine be well nourished. The Dungeon Bar is the underground source of nutrients for the Vine, enabling it to grow strongly and vigorously upwards and outwards, sending branches into the Department of Maori Affairs, James Smith Ltd Department Store, the SSC, Maori International Ltd, the Beehive, The Soup Kitchen, The Treasury, the TAB and all manner of previously safe, secure and secret places.

There have been some strange new faces down there lately. The SIS probably has the place staked out. We shall have to grow a vine into them as well I think.

Ka kite ano.




Circulation of the Newsletter


Te Putatara seems to be creeping all over the place. The first Australian subscribers have now been signed up.






Who May Join? How Much?

Anyone may join The Maori Alliance. There are two classes of membership; Ordinary Membership for Maori people and organisations, and Associate Membership for non-Maori. Associate Members do not have a vote, and pay an extra 50% over and above Ordinary Members. There are three grades of membership; Individual, Group, and Corporate.

Ordinary Membership fees for the year ending 31 March 1989 are:

  • Individual

    Full Rate..................$100

  • Groups.....................$150

    Family Trusts
    438 Trusts
    Charitable Trusts
    Welfare League Branches
    Maori Committees
    Other similar groups

  • Corporations...............$1000

    Maori Incorporations
    Maori Trust Boards
    Tribal Runanga(nui)
    Other Maori Authorities
    Incorporated Companies
    Incorporated Societies
    Government Departments

  • The Kaupapa:

    Ki te whai te mana Maori motuhake i runga i te kotahitanga me te tino rangatiratanga i roto i te Tiriti o Waitangi.

    [To pursue Maori self-determination, unity, and rangatiratanga consistent with the Treaty of Waitangi].

    What are the Objectives?

    The objectives cover a wide range. First and foremost is the installation of the Treaty of Waitangi in the statutes of Aotearoa. They cover the need for kotahitanga, the empowerment of the iwi, the promotion of Maori development, research and recommendation of policies, and lobbying and advocacy on behalf of members when requested.

    The major activity at the moment is the provision of information to members on a range of issues facing Maoridom. This will be extended to the publication of papers and essays from time to time. It is hoped that the Alliance will be able to commission research on such things as government policies and their effect on Maoridom.

    This service is to be provided to stimulate informed debate, and to prompt members to participate in the process of government.


    The distinguishing feature of the Maori Alliance is that the sole aim is to serve the membership. It does not claim to represent Maoridom, but offers to work with all Maori people and organisations for the benefit of Maoridom.


    Eventually the Alliance hopes to set up a nationwide system of rapid electronic communications to enable the network of members to react swiftly to events as they occur, and also to promote communication and unity within Maoridom. For the moment a monthly newsletter, Te Putatara, is published.

    Commercial Activities:

    The Alliance has been investigating ways and means of building a firm financial base, and the establishment of a commercial arm is an aim. The acquisition of offshore funds is a possibility. This and other commercial activity will be undertaken carefully and the best available advice will be sought.


    The Maori Alliance is not a political party, nor does it support any political party at the moment. The whole matter of political allegiance (or non-allegiance) is one that will have to be decided by the Membership in due course.

    Women and Youth:

    Each member organisation or individual commits to fully involving Maori women and Rangatahi in the decision making processes of the Alliance, and to ensuring that Maori women and Maori youth have an equal opportunity with men to become office holders of the Alliance. This does not require members to dispense with established marae kawa.

    What are the Benefits?

    Kotahitanga has been attempted many times in the past, but for various reasons complete unity in Maoridom has never been achieved. The need for unity, and the need to combine the power of Maoridom to achieve our common goals is as important today as it ever was.

    We must unite. The Maori Alliance is an organisation of allies, which also believes in remaining completely independent of Government. It offers to act as a catalyst to bring the iwi together, and to bring the many and various Maori networks together. The Alliance does not seek to usurp the mana of the iwi, or any other organisation, but it does seek to combine the kaha of Maoridom for our common good.

    The first priority of the Alliance is to act as an information broker to assist in the sharing of ideas and knowledge. Information is the key resource of our time.






    To: The Coordinator
    The Maori Alliance
    P.O.Box 408

    I/We wish to apply for membership of The Maori Alliance. Enclosed is a cheque for (tick one):

    $100 (Individual Membership)

    $50 (I am a beneficiary or student or trainee)

    $150 (Group Membership)

    $1000 (Corporate Membership)

    My name/the name of my organisation is:.....................................

    My Occupation is:....................

    My Street Address is:



    My Postal Address is (if different from street address):







    Facsimile Number:.................

    My Iwi is:


    My Hapu is/are:


    I am also:



