Letter of Resignation
Chairman , Kohuiarau Parliament
24 January 2001
To Mr Danny Watson/Deputy Chairman Kohuiarau Parliament
Notice of resignation as Chairman and Member of Kohuiarau Parliament
from Chris Ruka, to take place immediately
To Members of Parliament and the Mataatua
I state I will no longer be involved in any business to do with Kohuiarau or the functions of Kohuirau Parliament for the following reasons.
a) There is no history of Kohuiarau (Name or Structure) in early New Zealand political history as claimed.
b) There was no such establishment as the Kohuiarau Awaroa Bank for Maori nor was there an independent Kohuiarau Maori shipping trade and recognition by international trading nations or by their Sovereigns of Kohuiarau.
c) Kohuiarau has failed to return candidate registration fee of $300.00 to each successful Parliamentary and Runanga Member.
d) Failure of Kohuiarau to pay promised salaries to Parliamentary and Runanga Members, costs, travel and equipment and staff.
e) The introduction of Rules and Regulations without consultation with Parliamentarians or Hapu and the continual dissatisfaction of Parliamentarians with advice which shifts and changes regularly by those in advisory positions but with scant knowledge of Tikanga Maori and the trampling of the Mana of Hapu in the Submissions dealt with sincerely by Parliament and sent on to Te Whare Tairea. There are many other issues of concern.
I have no intention of wishing anyone involved in this farce well but I do hope eventually clarity will prevail and all those honest hard working, well intentioned Maori and Tauiwi who fell in love with the beautiful concept of Kohuiarau will place their efforts elsewhere in an effort to provide a better future for our peoples.
Chris Ruka[Mr Ruka can be contacted on 09 4382086]