I dream a dream

" I dream lofty dreams,
and as I dream, so I become.
My vision is the promise
of what I one day am;
my Ideal is the prophecy
of what I at last unveil."

- James Allen

I dream a life given to Io-Matua
Whose works great and small I perform,
seeking to stand hour by hour
in His presence.

Moment by moment I seek
to make this world a better place,
guided by the God-Force,
within and without.

Striving to discover my unique gifts;
and to use the greatest,
that which gives me happiness
and untold pleasure,
for the purposes most needed
in all the world.

To become the best me
I can be;
to help others become.
To give, to serve,
to promote peace,
healing and prosperity.
To unconditionally love
all creatures
and all things.

To passionately mine
the Wisdoms of the ages.
A lifetime of learning and contemplation,
knowing and becoming;
and so to write and teach others
to know and become.

And I dream a journey into serenity,
a journey of the fulfilled spirit
to Hawaiki and beyond;
to Io-Matua-Kore.

"I dream lofty dreams
and as I dream, so I become."

© Ross Nepia Himona



Io-Matua Io the Parent - Supreme Being
Io-Matua-Kore Io the Parentless - Supreme Being
Hawaiki Spiritual Homeland of the Maori People


James Allen, "As A Man Thinketh"
Richard N Bolles, "How to Find Your Mission in Life"
Dr Wayne W Dyer, "Real Magic"
