Kohuiarau File
Former Parliament Chairman Replies


Chairman's Office
Native Parliament of New Zealand
36 Third Ave


PH: (09) 438 2086

FAX: (09) 438 2026


M Forbes (Mary Forbes)
Returning Officer
P.O. Box 68 645

Tena Koe M Forbes (Mary Forbes)

Normally I would not in anyway reply to correspondence from you or your underlings but because you have actually signed your name to this piece of nonsense I felt I should at least contribute a reply in the same vernacular.

Your presumption and that of your Whare Tairea to unbridled power places you firmly in the Nether World, for the real world has since moved on. New Taiopuru, New Rules and Regulations, New Kaitiaki Marae and Hapu, some New Parliamentarians and Runanga rnembers but Mostly a majority of the old Parliamentarians who are firmly entrenched in our Native Parliarnent, and with others have supported and selected a New Taiopuru.

Your Administration and Upper House are excluded from our Group for many reasons but mainly because of the untruths associated with the histories and Whakapapa of "Your"' Kohuiarau as quoted by yourself and others

Since your group does not have the mandate of Nga Hapu Katoa to direct anyone or anything please don't be too disappointed that I intend to ignore the entirety of your silly message and the machinations of your Whare Tairea.

However I must thank you sincerely for claiming the name "Returning Officer" and all its responsibilities, under signature. This has made my task simpler In directing The Bay Collection Agency to the person responsible for failing to return candidate registration fees to those successful Runanga and Parliamentary members and payment to them of salaries.

Under the New Zealand Electoral Act this constitutes a serious offence which in my lay-person's opinion constitutes theft or fraudulent misappropriation.




Chris Ruka
Chairman (Native Parliament of New Zealand)

Kohuirau File